About Me


My name is TJ Sybilrud, I grew up in the frozen tundra of Minnesota, spending my youth playing sports dreaming of being a professional athlete. Well... things didn't work out the way I had planned and I began to find a strong interest in cooking. For some odd reason I really enjoyed it and was pretty good at it. I am really an experimenter at heart. Recipes really don't fly for me, so I just throw stuff together and it comes out pretty damn good I must say.

Over the years I have been able to learn some pretty cool things in the kitchen and I am always learning. Always trying to find new ways to create and concoct crazy meals. Sometimes they go really really well, sometimes they are suspect. But that is all about learning and growing as an at-home-chef.

With no formal training, my techniques may be laughable to some, but I really could care less. If it tastes good that is all I am looking for. I am not going to have a plate of food that looks pretty, with drizzles of puree here and there. That to me is a waste of time and frankly I am not into the "art" aspect of cooking. I am into the science or inexact science of cooking.

I would love to hear from any and all of you. If you have a recipe or something crazy you have concocted send it to me and I would be happy to post it. I am all about sharing my ideas, I am not the type of person that is going to hoard my recipes. If I make it and it is tasty you are going to hear about it. I love food and I love cooking food. I am open to all food, not a vegetarian or vegan here so if you are looking for purely those recipes they may not come around too often. I am here to talk about my experiences and I hope you all will enjoy them.

Thanks for visiting!